I've been tagged! (To those who've tagged me before to whom I never responded, accept my apologies and this as a substitute.) I believe I am supposed to make an acronym of sorts using the letters of my middle name to describe myself. Since I don't have a middle name, I will use my first.
...and I am tagging Lauren and Rachel...
A - Adventurous. ( j/k - I know some of you are laughing out there.) I would like to be though; the idea of being adventurous sounds adventurous and intriguing to me. I would like to claim I was fearless and that nothing ever got in my way, but really, I'm afraid of germs and bugs and giving my kids a bath (mostly because it's more of a suicide mission). I would love to have some great adventure I've come home from to tell you all about but I think for now my adventure is my home. Alexis, Aubrey and Allie are the true adventures in my life right now and very well may be the greatest I experience in my life...even if I do make it around the world one day!
L -Love... I love to travel and I love to be home. I know these sound like opposites but I do love them both. I love to have somewhere to look forward to going. I love sitting by the pool at a resort eating an ice cream bar. I love the smell of hotels because I know I'm on vacation. I love leaving the world behind, just for a while. In sharp contrast, I crave routine and that's why I love being home. I think routine is a sanity saver for me as a mom and so home is just an easier place to be.
(Okay, I'll confess that my first thought for the letter "L" would be "losing my mind," which I think I might one of these days but I'll try to be smiling when I do!)
Y -Yellow. I love the color yellow. It reminds me of sunshine and being cheerful and represents friendship. I love friends!
S - Social. I love to be social. I love people and having someone to talk to and spend time with. Another "S" word would be serious. I've been accused of becoming more serious since becoming a mother. Kind of hard not to considering all the new stresses and worries that come as part of the package; but I still think I'm fun. :)
S -I love... Sweets (I inherited this from my mom); Sunny Days (thus my love for AZ where it's sunny every day of the year!); Sewing and Scrapbooks
A - Awestruck. Amidst all the craziness in life, I am awestruck by the joy I feel in "the moments in between." These are the moments that, if my life were a movie, would play in succession of each other with music in the background, leaving out all the chaos as if it never existed. Awestruck in the moments when I'm cuddled up next to Adam feeling safe and secure under his arm. Awestruck when I'm gazing into the eyes of my newborn baby. Awestruck listening to the laughter of my girls as they play or as they take my hand and say "Come on mom!" and lead me away to a land of make believe.