Wednesday, September 2, 2009


This past Saturday was the annual Grape Harvest at the LDS Church's Vineyard. The grapes are harvested and sun dried for use as raisins in the Church's humanitarian aid program. Adam and I have both had the opportunity to serve there over the past couple years at various times of the year and during varying stages of the grape growing process...from training the vines, to prunning, to harvesting and rolling up the "trays." It has been really neat to learn a bit of what is involoved and to have a hand in helping out.

For this stage of the process:
the grapes must be picked...

and collected in a tub...

and then laid out to dry in the sun on "trays".

(Hey Austen, I think that might be you in the background of the first picture!)

1 comment:

GREENLAW said...

so much fun!!! :) i think that IS austen! :)