Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Toothless grin!

The tooth fairy came to our house twice this past weekend! Alexis lost her two front teeth; one on Saturday and one on Sunday. The tooth fairy delivered a new tooth brush one night and new tooth paste the next. That was Alexis' idea and not a bad one in my opinion. She also earned a dollar for letting me help pull the dangling tooth from her mouth. (I'm not sure who was more nervous about how easily it would come out. I talked like it was no big deal but I was terrified of hurting her!) She was SO excited to go to school and show her teacher and get her name on the board at school. Her class sang "All I Want for Christmas" to her; she loved all the attention!

Other fun things at our house since the new year started are a dance class for Aubrey at her friend's house and our little parrott we call "Allie" who now mimics everything we do and say. She is still singing "Jingle Bells" on a daily basis and is starting to grow fond of the "Old MacDonald" song. This month, she is practicing counting to five, Aubrey is working very hard on writing and spelling her name, and Alexis plans to learn to count from 10-20 in French.

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