Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sea World for Thanksgiving!

This year we did a non-traditional Thanksgiving and headed south to San Diego. We had a wonderful time and hope you all did too. :)


The Maughans said...

That looks like so much fun! That's my kind of Thanksgiving Dinner too - I'm not much of a Turkey fan.

Justi said...

How fun is that?! I loved the pics from San Diego. How cute that your girls got soaked by Shamu. Looks like you had a good holiday. Miss you!

birdie said...

What a fun idea! I love it and it looks like everyone else did too!

Brett and Meredith said...

So much fun!! Glad that your trip turned out great. (Minus the traffic--yuck!) I can't believe how big Allie is getting! Your girls are so darling!

Sarah said...

How fun is that?! I can't wait to go there with my family someday :)

Sarah said...

hey girl... send me your e-mail and I'll e-mail you that tofee recipe... it's super easy and SUPER yummy!

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys had a good time! The beach never disappoints - even when it's too cold to go in there's lots of fun discoveries.

We were sad you weren't able to find time to come see us in Disneyland - Jude really missed Lexi. But we're looking forward to Christmas, even if our "Eve Brunch" might have to be more of an afternoon snack! (Brett has to work 1/2 day).