Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I just had to share this one!

"Kids say the darndest things" and yesterday I really got a crack up over this one:

We went to check the mail and the kids dumped it all the floor of the front room to scour it for any piece with their name on it. Lexi found one for her and upon opening it she asked me what it was. I told her it was a bill from her doctor for a check-up she'd had. She looked it over for another minute and got a concerned look on her face before her little eyes filled with tears and she said, "Mommy, it says I owe $80 and I don't have that much! I've been saving up so hard to get my microphone and now I just don't know what I'm going to do!" Oh, little Lex! I told her that her daddy would probably help her out and she gave a whimpered "ok". She was SO relieved this morning when she talked to her daddy to find out he'd be covering all her medical bills for her. Whew! Now back to saving up for that microphone!


Sarah said...

Ohhhhh, so cute and sad at the same time! What a responsible little lady!

Jenn said...

That's so Lexi. Oh, I love that story.