Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Breathtaking views

We were delighted to have a visit from my cousin Danina and her husband Brandon this past week. We had a great time with them! We took a trip into Yosemite National Park and it was as stunning as ever. We've been a few times before, but hadn't ever seen the waterfalls so full so that was a treat. We also got to see a bear, which was totally awesome! (We saw a wolf and many deer as well.) We enjoyed walking through the park, racing sticks down the river, seeing the sights, and a nice picnic lunch as well. (Allie and Aubrey fed most of their lunches to the ducks.)

My cousin and I have a monthly baking challenge with each other and while she was here we attempted this month's challenge, which was to make eclairs. They were awesome! We will definately make them again...and again. Brandon taught my girls how to make fantastic forts using all the kitchen chairs and every blanket in my house; and Danina bathed my kids for me...twice (my least favorite chore of motherhood). They got my kids hooked on gummy worms and anxious to visit them again this summer. Thanks for being such great company to have! We hope you'll come again.


Sarah said...

I already loooove when family comes to visit! (although that's only been once so far :)That 3rd picture down from the top is amazing-it looks like a postcard! You should post your eclair recipe.... my hubby loves those ;0

Brandon Thatcher said...

Thanks for letting us stay. We can't wait to see you again.

Brandon Thatcher said...

Thanks for letting us stay. We can't wait to see you again.

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to say hello and we love you guys! Gorgeous pics of both Yosemite and your darling family - hope all is well. Doesn't Lex have a birthday coming up?


The Horsleys