Monday, October 4, 2010

more dancing

Allie recently started a little toddler dance class. It's rather adorable to see a room full of two year olds in diapers and tutus (Allie is now in her "big girls" and a tutu). She feels pretty big time doing something that her big sisters do. Aside from the scheduled classes, you can find my girls wearing tutus around the house on a fairly regular basis. They love to be fancy and they LOVE to dance!!!


Sarah said...

How do you do it? Your "October Day" sounds fabulous and like SO much fun. You are such a great mama. And your little dancers are just precious! I love little girls in tu-tus. Nothin' cuter :)

Laurie said...

Alyssa, congrats on the baby girl. So excited for you and your family. Hope you and family are doing well.