Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The most traditional meal my family had during my growing up years would have to be cheese taquitos! The "grown -ups" made them for most every family get together on my dad's side. (I always got to help roll the cheese into the tortillas but never help with the frying because of the hot oil.) I'm surprised to admit, but until yesterday, I had never actually made them myself and when I did, I had a real "I did a grown -up thing" moment. I put on my apron and rolled up the cheese and fried the tortillas. It was so great! It was so strange to have the feeling of doing something I'd never done before. You get to having a husband, three kids and a house to look after and think you've done all the grown -up stuff. Nope - for me there was still this and it was a thrill...and they were absolutely delicious! Thanks for the tradition, family! I will now be passing it on to my kids and hopefully having you over for chesse taquitos at my place sometime soon!

1 comment:

Travis and Cristan said...

I totally remember them and like your family my family was HUGE taquito fans- we also put in shreaded beef in with ours. And like you I my self have never made them by have inspired me! Maybe I'll gewt up the courage and meake them next week:)