Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hoping for success

Allie has been potty training off and on this past month. She has had her first several successes and we are hoping for many more in the weeks and months to come; idealy before the baby comes. She is much more timid than my first two girls were. Aubrey and Alexis decided they were ready and within a couple days, they were trained. Allie literally turned in her "unders" and said she didn't want them anymore after the first day or two. We took a couple weeks off and now she is making another go at it. Let's hope it sticks this time.


Karen said...

That book looks cute! Good luck!

Texan 2x2 said...

How cute is this?! Hope it's going well!

Keri West said...

Good luck! We potty-trained David at the beginning of the summer and were pretty surprised at how well it took. I think we just got lucky. I'm sure we'll have our hands full when we potty-train Steven. :)