Thursday, March 5, 2009

An awesome $5 dinner!

I just had to post this... ever since I started "couponing" last summer, we've been experimenting with many new budgeting and money savings ideas. One idea we came up with was to see how many meals we could come up with for $5 and I must say I am pleasantly surprised with what you can feed a family of five for five dollars. I'm here to tell you too that you can eat more than just spaghetti when you are on a budget. We try and plan our "meal deals" based off the sales at the grocery stores each week (thus my heightened level of excitement for the arrival of the mail every Wednesday! I can hardly wait to see what exciting things will be on sale!). We felt like we hit the jack pot with this last one. Sunday night, we had thick, juicy sirloin steaks (which Adam grilled to perfection out on his BBQ) served with fresh green beans, canned corn, baked potatoes and sour dough bread...for the grand total of $5.50 for the whole family! That's what I call an awesome $5 dinner!

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