Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Taking me back in time

This weekend was a "blast from the past." If ever we'd wanted to try and plan to recreate a weekend from our years of "younger love," this would have been it. It was not our anniversary or anything, it just happened this way and what fun. Adam got us tickets to go to a Good Charlotte concert, which was SO awesome! We had such a great time rockin' the night away. We used to love listening to that band back when we first started dating so it was a memory jerker just for that reason and was a ton of fun besides. Here are a couple fab. cell phone pics from the event:

Following our rock concert, we headed off to 7-11 for a slurpee. Another time warp! Adam used to take me out for Slurpees after putting practice at Mulligan's. We did this many, many times as dates. I use to wish he'd bet me a kiss for a good putt instead of a Slurpee some time...and eventually he did!

Last, but not least, there was Nutella! This was the ultimate flashback! I don't know why we hadn't thought to do it before, but we saw a jar of Nutella at the store and brought it home to make crepes, much like the ones we ate on our honeymoon 7 1/2 years ago! After just one bite, I closed my eyes and I was back in Paris, on the streets near Montmarte eating my crepe! What fun memories and a fun weekend remembering them.

Je t'aime mon amour!

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