Wednesday, January 20, 2010

2010 - A year of laughter

I am usually a little more "goal crazy" at the beginning of a year and love to plan out things I want to do and how I'm going to get them done. I have been pretty happy with the way things have been going lately so figured, why re-invent the wheel if it's turning. I did however think of a theme to inspire me as I work toward making each day a little better than the last. I liked the lyrics from a song I heard stating, "All that I'm after is a lifetime of laughter." Whatever comes my way, I want to laugh each day.

"Laughter is the biological reaction of humans to moments or occasions of humor: an outward expression of amusement. Laughter is subcategorized into various groupings depending upon the extent and pitch of the laughter: giggles, clicks (which can be almost silent), chortles, chuckles, hoots, cackles, sniggers and guffaws are all types of laughter. Smiling is a mild silent form of laughing. Smiling is a virtue, a soul-expanding delight that shortens time. Every laugh you manage cuts short the miles and hours and days of drudgery." (internet source)

Whether it's a good day or bad, productive or not; whether the house is clean or dirty; whether I got out or stayed in; whether things went smoothly or not quite as planned...I want to find at least one moment each day to laugh.

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter - E.E. Cummings

1 comment:

Carolee said...

As the saying goes - "laughter is the best medicine" Nothing feels better than a good "belly laugh" once in a while!