Thursday, January 14, 2010

The night the tooth fairy didn't come

I wasn't going to admit this, but I thought it was "journal worthy" and since my blog has been serving as my journal for the past many months, I will confess it publicly or it might never get written down.

As you will see in the following post, Alexis lost two teeth last weekend. Saturday, the tooth fairy came as expected and all was well. Sunday night, after Alexis lost a second tooth, the tooth fairy fell asleep while waiting for Alexis to doze off. The tooth fairy awoke in a panic realizing she had neither collected the tooth nor deposited a prize. The tooth fairy rushed quietly up the stairs hoping to sneak in before the girls awoke but just as her hand reached for the doorknob, her heart sank to her feet as she heard the saddened voice of Alexis declaring to her sister that "the tooth fairy didn't come!" I felt like the worst mother, I mean tooth fairy, in the entire world! I really can't describe how upset I felt to hear the sadness in Lexi's voice. As a parent, you want them to have so much joy, even in little things like losing teeth, because for them, they are the big things in their lives at the time and knowing it was my fault for ruining the moment was horrible. The tooth fairy scribbled out a note as quickly as she could and left it on the bathroom counter to apologize for the delay and to say she'd be there soon. Alexis wrote back that she would leave the tooth out for her. Alexis told me she had dreamed that she got "princess" toothpaste from the tooth fairy. I made sure to relay the message to the tooth fairy and when Alexis returned from school on Monday, the tooth fairy had made the trade and all was well in the world again. Alexis is now brushing her toothless grin with "princess" toothpaste. :)


Sarah said...

Oh my goodness, I am the worst tooth fairy ever. I have done that 3 times now, I think? So, you made me feel a lot better knowing other moms forget too. I love your girls, they are all so darling.

Jenn said...

My mom did stuff like that all the time to me—but she'd just say, "I don't think you looked hard enough around your bed" and then would walk into my room and "find" it for me. I don't think I figured out what she did until my 20s...