Thursday, June 12, 2008

a few pics of Allie

Allie is two months old now! She smiles all the time and is starting to laugh. She's outgrowing her cradle and already wearing size 2 diapers!


jen said...

Ok she is adorable!! About the eczema... I've used a special cream from the doc in a green, silver, & white bottle, is that the one you have? It is a steroid though so you don't wanna use it too much! Tae gets spots on his legs every so often too. I've had friends swear by Boredaux's butt paste...weird but they swear by it! I also always lather him w/ the Aveeno made especially for that & it really does seem to help. I think it is something that they just have to grow out of & hopefully it doesn't come back when they are older. My mom and sis deal with it & they said it just went away one day's to the future! I hope that helps & let me know if you hear anything else! Love ya!

GREENLAW said...

she is SOOO cute! it was a treat to hold her today! :)

we use hydrocortisone cream on ellie... it takes the edge off...

birdie said...

She is getting so big! I love the pic w/ her laying on her blanket on the ground.

As for eczema - our allergist recommended using Vanicream - it's over the counter and you can get it at Walgreens, etc.. It's great and it's super thick!!

Kim said...

What a sweetie. She has chubby cheeks already!! What a doll. I can't wait to see her.

Anonymous said...

She is the perfect combination of you and Adam - I just love those kissable, chubby cheeks! And that cream dress you have her in is so precious. She really is just a little angel.

Keri West said...

Oh, she is so cute! We just have to let her & David meet! Although he is a month older and still smaller than her, they would have a blast together... in a few months! :)