Wednesday, June 4, 2008

She's All Smiles!

Our little Allie will be eight weeks old tomorrow! I can hardly believe how fast time has been going; we are trying to relish every moment. It's not hard when you have a sweet little one like Allie. She has been such a wonderful baby (hooray for having a baby that doesn't cry all night and day! Been there and done that...twice!) Allie is learning to smile and we love catching her gazing whenever we get the chance to try and catch one of the precious toothless grins. Adam even got a full out chuckle out of her the other day. What a joy she is!


Brett and Meredith said...

So Sweet! What a cutie! Love all the smiles. We have that same little outfit, too, just ours is purple. Too bad these little ones aren't closer for some fun pictures together!

Chad and Kristen said...

She is so cute! I love her big smile, I couldn't help but smile back at the computer screen! what a cutie!