Tuesday, March 2, 2010

First Surgery

Waiting for the surgery

The bump

Waking up

The ride to the car

Alexis had a minor surgery on Monday to remove a small mass that has been growing on her cheek for the past couple of years. The surgery was performed by a plastic surgeon at the local Children's Hospital. It was a long day but Alexis did very well. She actually seemed a little excited and left the nerves for her Dad and me. She was very sleepy all evening and had a weak stomach from the anethesia but woke up today feeling well again. She is happy to have the bump off her cheek and we are all anxious for the bandage to be removed to see what type of scar was left behind.


Justi said...

I'm so glad to hear the surgery went well. I'm sure you were more scared than she was. That totally scares me to death. Way to be brave, Mom. :)

where the wildthings grow said...

I had no idea Lexi even had a bump! Wow! Good job Lexi! I am waiting to see those cute cheeks!

Sarah said...

I hate having to go through those "surgeries" I've done 3 with 2 kids and it has never gotten easier. I'm so glad everything went well. Oh, and I LOVE the zhu-zhu pet houses! I think the Easter Bunny might be bringing zhu-zhu pets for my kids easter baskets... :)

Becky said...

Surgeries are scary - especially when the patient is little. I'm glad things went well. Children's hospitals are the best!